Spirit lacks nothing. And you are spirit.

uma smile yellow

By Uma Sanghvi

Uma helps people release anxiety, connect with higher guidance and live a spirit-led life of joy.

One thing I’ve noticed about the spiritual path is the crazy roller coaster of ups and downs. One minute you’re in post-meditation bliss! The next minute you’re overtaken by anxiety or self-doubt.

I used to think that meditating, getting grounded and taking workshops on inner peace would translate into HAVING a peaceful, easy life. Hahaha. I was wrong.

But then I figured something out — something BIG.

I realized that I was bringing a sense of unworthiness to my spiritual practices. I was “doing” spirituality from a place of lack. A place of being flawed and needing to make up for my fundamentally flawed nature by “working hard at spirituality.”

I was bringing my striving and achievement oriented nature to everything in my life. And just like all spiritual over-achievers, I was doing a lot, but I still felt like I wasn’t doing enough.

Working really hard has always felt justified. Like I SHOULD struggle (at least a little), and that my struggle is what makes me more worthy.

There was always this underlying vague sense of being flawed. And so one minute I would be flying high after a meditation or a walk in the woods. And the next minute, the voice of unworthiness would pop up and say “you’re nothing. You don’t deserve this joy” and bring me crashing down to earth.

Hence the roller coaster of unworthiness!

The big turning point for me came when began studying and applying the principles of A Course in Miracles. The message of the Course is one of radical worthiness.

The Course says that your worth is infinite (and that is a complete sentence).

This message is the absolute opposite of lack. The opposite of guilt. The opposite of shame. The opposite of being fundamentally flawed.

These days, when I meditate or pray or do any other sacred practice, I remind myself to do it from a place of worthiness and holiness.

I love the results! Instead of pushing or striving to prove myself through hard work and more effort, I feel a natural sort of ease and relaxation come over me.

There’s more spaciousness. I am more restful and more at ease with myself and the world. There’s more space for laughter.

So today I’m challenging you to let radical worthiness be your “come from”. See what happens when you “come from” worthiness instead of lack. Just see what happens!

What if you have nothing to prove because you’ve already reached the mountaintop?

Spirit lacks nothing. And you are spirit.

If you let that in, be prepared to say goodbye to the crazy roller coaster of ups and downs!

Remember this today: spirit lacks nothing, and you are spirit.

xo Uma

P.S. I am delighted to share that doors are open for my brand new program More Than an Intro to A Course in Miracles!

More Than an Intro is an eight-week (16-hour) live group program created to give you a strong foundation for understanding the basic teachings of A Course in Miracles.

It’s a mix of teaching + discussion + practice.

The Course is a path of practical spirituality so we’ll be focusing on the immediate healing effect of the Course on your mind and your relationships.

NOTE: You don’t need to buy the book (handouts will be provided). Whether you’re a curious newcomer to the Course, a long-time Course student, or somewhere in between — everyone is welcome!

Get the details and register here >> bit.ly/morethananintro

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