Uma helps people release anxiety, connect with higher guidance and live a spirit-led life of joy.
Question for you: what’s a miracle?
In my previous post, I shared with you that every January, I choose a “word of the year” based on what my soul wants to create in the next twelve months of my life.
My “word of the year” in 2019 was MIRACLES.
In January, I never know exactly how the word is going to manifest in my life! It’s a delight to watch the word come to life as the year unfolds.
Looking back, here are some of the ways that the word “miracles” showed up in for me in 2019:
1. My guides came back!
Two years ago, I started receiving joy and guidance from my (unseen) guides, and it was truly a miracle. I couldn’t believe it! I was regularly feeling their presence and receiving their messages of peace and harmony. But after a few months, I suddenly couldn’t feel them anymore. I wasn’t sure what happened. Had I somehow closed down the connection? If so, what could I do to re-open the line? I prayed for re-connection, I asked for guidance from intuitives and healers, but still, nothing changed.
And then, in 2019, my guides “came back.”
To be clear, I understand that they never left in the first place; and that it was my ability to sense them that faded away for awhile. When they came back, the connection seemed to be deeper. I had more clarity about who was there, and at times felt the presence of Krishna and the Indian saint who is called Babaji. My gratitude was profound.
TIP: This is the perfect time to connect with your guides. We each have a posse of angelic support that is chomping at the bit to help us — but we have to ask. So ask. There’s no special way to do it, just tune into the desires of your soul — and ask from that place — for whatever you need now: peace of mind, wealth, connection, toilet paper, anything. Just ask.
As Rev. Jennifer Hadley, my awesome Course in Miracles teacher, likes to say, “Don’t leave your angels unemployed!”
2. Autobiography of a Yogi
Anything is possible! This is a book that will have you believing in miracles.
Speaking of Krishna and Babaji, both are mentioned in Parmahansa Yogananda’s book Autobiography of Yogi, which I (finally) read last year. I’m so glad that I did! It was transporting for me. This book is now on my list of all-time favorites.
When I listened to the audio book — and may I just say that Sir Ben Kingsley is the perfect voice to tell this extraordinary story — I had more “anything is possible” moments than I can count. Anything. Is. Possible.
3. Surprising breakthroughs!
In September I was inspired to spend 30 consecutive days doing powerful daily meditations for loving & accepting myself. And then the following happened:
1. After months of being out of range, many of my thyroid levels normalized and came back into balance. 2. After years of struggle, I finally set strong boundaries with someone in my life (I dislike the word “toxic” but it may apply here). These boundaries have lasted to this day. 3. I enjoyed a month-long dose of what it feels like to receive unconditional love. Self-love is such a buzz phrase, but what does it even mean?? For me, it went from being an abstract concept to a tangible life-changing experience of peace and healing.
4. Magic Coaching!
It’s no coincidence that Harry Potter is one of most widely read and loved series in human history. My theory? It’s because magic is much closer to the human experience than we even realize.
After watching a FaceBook live I did about Harry Potter, one of my awesome clients reached out and asked me for “magic coaching.” Neither of us knew exactly what “magic coaching” meant at that point, but we were super freaking excited to find out.
Fast forward nine months… Magic Coaching has been PURE JOY.
Holy hippogriff!
It turns out that Magic Coaching is: tuning into your Higher Self, creating synchronicities, upgrading your money consciousness, overflowing with Source energy, deepening intuition, Lectio Divina, oracle card magic, reading Harry Potter as a sacred text, cultivating joy & playfulness and much, much more. Magic Coaching is one of my favorite miracles of the year.
5. A Course in Miracles
This was the Big Kahuna of 2019! Everything I mentioned above was AMAZING, but rediscovering A Course in Miracles (ACIM) was the pot of the gold at the end the rainbow.
ACIM is a book that outlines a path of spiritual development. Its aim is to shift our perception of reality so that we can find happiness and give happiness.
I started studying the Course a few years ago but I didn’t understand it at all back then (and couldn’t yet appreciate it’s power to heal). In December, I was inspired to dive into the Course once again, and this time, it was for real.
The Course uses familiar words with unfamiliar meanings. Let’s take the word “miracles”, for example.
According to the Course, a miracle is an expression of love towards another person. In this moment, something powerful and healing happens — something that we can’t see or fully understand.
The secondary definition of a miracle in ACIM is a correction of perception: a shift from fear to love.
The Course says that miracles can instantaneously heal (what appear to be) problems in our world. Additionally, there is no order of difficulty in miracles (one is not harder or more difficult than another).
Pretty awesome, right? Its fantastic news that expressions of love can have such a power effect.
ACIM tells us that love is all there is. Love is not something that you have to earn or achieve. Love IS. Your work is to tune in. Tune in to love — that’s when change happens.
The shift from fear to love is simultaneously big and small. It’s no harder than being willing to shift. And at the same time, shifting is no less than a miracle.
Today especially, miracles are called for. The Course says that all it takes is a little bit of willingness. Choose to be aware of the sun, even if there are clouds. Be willing to see what is Real.
This is my wish for you: to be aware of the presence of love today.
It’s not that last year was an easy year for me, by any means — but it was filled with miracles. And that’s the amazing thing about being human! No matter where you are, no matter what is happening around you — love is the ground of your being. Love IS.
You couldn’t escape it if you tried.
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Are you ready to:
- Create healthy boundaries
- Dissolve stress & overwhelm
- Deepen your intuition
- Radiate self-confidence & self-love
- Switch out of “survival mode” and become the creator of your life
- Make friends with yourself
- Become so emotionally strong that any emotion is easy to handle (yours or someone else’s)
- Feel SAFE in the world and in your body
- Overflow with light & Source energy
Click here to schedule your free call
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