Uma helps people release anxiety, connect with higher guidance and live a spirit-led life of joy.
Coaches need coaching too 🙂 And Nikki Sargent is MY mind-body coach. She has compassion for me when I forget to have compassion for myself. She holds space for me to have emotions. To feel anxious. To feel angry. To feel scared. To be uncomfortable.
To be human.
Having a compassionate guide to turn to when the going gets rough is such a relief.
“I empower people to live the life they really want to live,” says Nikki. “People have so much more ability, agency and expertise than they know.”
Nikki is an Endorsed Mind-Body Coach who trained with Abigail Steidley. She’s also a Master Certified Martha Beck life coach. She also does intuitive energy readings. And she’s amazing at all of it!
I’m happy I get to share this wonderful and wise being with you today. Enjoy.
Check out these highlights:
- [13:10] The “inner war” to get rid of her innate sensitivity
- [17:30] The thing she’s been doing her whole life that got her into a lot of trouble.
- [21:30] To fellow empaths: “you’re not alone”
- [27:15] The crucial difference between sympathy & empathy.
- [30:30] The way people reacted when her father passed away.
- [33:50] Why do we resist joy?
- [37:30] What does it mean to “date yourself”??
- [43:00] How she recovered from Graves Disease.
And my favorite….
- [41:10] “Contrary to popular belief, you’re your own best expert.”
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For more information, you can contact Nikki at
Her website will be up soon.
Thank you for tuning in!
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👉 Do you struggle with anxiety, stress and overwhelm? I can help.
👉 Click here to schedule a free discovery call with me.
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